Sunday, September 30, 2012

The European cookies law

ePrivacy directive and the European cookies law

A “new” online privacy directive is actively being implemented within the European Union since its inception in November 2009. It is aimed at giving the users control over how cookies are used on the websites they visit, giving their consent to their use before they are copied on their device. We will see in this post what this directive says exactly, and how it is implemented in local laws, focusing on United Kingdom, France, Spain and Portugal.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The world is (not yet) perfect

Give the world

The world is not yet perfect. That's quite an understatement. But we can all do something to make it a better place, and one of them is to donate to organizations working in different fields. Here's a very short selection of them.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Of content and links

Desire path

The fallow

At the 4th International Conference about Electronic Document (CIDE, Toulouse, 2001), we have presented, Thomas Polacsek and I, the concept of hypartextual fallow (pdf, in French), a new way to create links between documents.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

The .post, a new domain name extension

The .post sponsored top-level domain has been finally delegated on August, 7 2012. It is sponsored by the Universal Postal Union headquartered in Bern, Switzerland. Established in 1874, this specialized agency of the United Nations sets the rules for international mail exchanges and makes recommendations to stimulate growth in mail, parcel and financial services volumes and improve quality of service for customers.

No need to reserve your domain name right away though, as the .post extension is restricted to the use of national and regional postal services and private businesses that provide similar services.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Types of domain names extensions

Map of internationalized country domain name extensions

Domain names extensions can be classified in a typology based on their use, a priori or not, like for instance geographic extensions or according to the activity they involve.