The concept of long and short numeric scales has been coined by the French mathematician Geneviève Guitel in 1975. In the short scale, every new word greater than a million is one thousand times bigger than the previous term (the digits are grouped by three), whereas in the long scale, every new word greater than a million is one million times bigger than the previous term (the digits are grouped by six).
Short scale numbers: million (106), billion (109), trillion (1012), quadrillion (1015), quintillion (1018), sextillion (1021), septillion (1024), octillion (1027), nonillion (1030), decillion (1033), undecillion (1036), duodecillion (1039), tredecillion (1042), quattuordecillion (1045), quindecillion (1048), sexdecillion (1051), septendecillion (1054), octodecillion (1057), novemdecillion (1060), vigintillion (1063)… centillion (10303)…
Long scale numbers: million (106), thousand million or milliard, (109), billion (1012), thousand billion or billiard (1015), trillion (1018), thousand trillion or trilliard (1021), quadrillion (1024), thousand quadrillion (1027), quintillion (1030), sexillion (1036), septillion (1042), octillion (1048), nonillion (1054), decillion (1060), vigintillion (1063), undecillion (1066), duodecillion (1072), tredecillion (1078), quattuordecillion (1084), quindecillion (1090), sexdecillion (1096), septendecillion (10102), octodecillion (10108), novemdecillion (10114), vigintillion (10120)… centillion (10600)…
Short scale numbers: million (106), billion (109), trillion (1012), quadrillion (1015), quintillion (1018), sextillion (1021), septillion (1024), octillion (1027), nonillion (1030), decillion (1033), undecillion (1036), duodecillion (1039), tredecillion (1042), quattuordecillion (1045), quindecillion (1048), sexdecillion (1051), septendecillion (1054), octodecillion (1057), novemdecillion (1060), vigintillion (1063)… centillion (10303)…
Long scale numbers: million (106), thousand million or milliard, (109), billion (1012), thousand billion or billiard (1015), trillion (1018), thousand trillion or trilliard (1021), quadrillion (1024), thousand quadrillion (1027), quintillion (1030), sexillion (1036), septillion (1042), octillion (1048), nonillion (1054), decillion (1060), vigintillion (1063), undecillion (1066), duodecillion (1072), tredecillion (1078), quattuordecillion (1084), quindecillion (1090), sexdecillion (1096), septendecillion (10102), octodecillion (10108), novemdecillion (10114), vigintillion (10120)… centillion (10600)…
Échelles numériques longue et courte (in French)
Escalas numéricas larga y corta (in Spanish)
Escalas numéricas longa e curta (in Portuguese)
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